katie harper garrett.
Katie Harper Garrett (she/her) is a queer Irish retail worker who writes about howls in the night and what’s burning in the kitchen. She has been nominated for Best of the Net 2023 and Best Small Fictions 2024. Her work appears in Queerlings, tiny spoon mag, fifth wheel press, and more. She resides in Amsterdam.

2022-2024. Amsterdam University College (Netherlands).
BA (Hons) in Liberal Arts and Sciences. GPA: 3.75 (cum laude)Thesis: “Hellish Pregnancies: The Maternal Body and Monstrous Motherhood in Amnesia: Rebirth, Outlast II, and Mother, Player”
2020-2022. University College Dublin (Ireland).
BA (Hons) English with Creative Writing. GPA: 4.0 (first class honours)Awards: Ad Astra Academic Scholarship (2021, 2022); BA Humanities Stage 3 Scholarship (2022)
2023. Freelance Writer at Sentimental JournalSentimental Journal is an Amsterdam-based arts and culture magazine. As an intern, and then a freelancer, I wrote five articles, plus press releases and newsletters, for the magazine's 9th and 10th issues ("time" and "festivity"). I conducted independent research on article topics and hosted interviews with artists via email and video calls while reporting to the magazine founders and editor-in-chief.
2022. Prose Submissions Officer at GluepotAt Gluepot, University College Dublin's LGBTQ+ multimedia magazine, I read, gave feedback, and voted on prose submissions for the magazine's fourth issue.
My work appears in
fifth wheel press (2024)
Queerlings (2023)
Trasna (2023)
Scriptus (2023)
Sentimental Journal (2023)
The Herring (2022)
Tiny Spoon (2022)
The Outpost Éire (2022)
superfroot (2022)
Caveat Lector (2021)
The New Word Order (2020)
Awards and Nominations
2024 Best Small Fictions, Nominee (via fifth wheel press).
2023 Best of the Net, Nominee (via Trasna).
2021 UCD Writing Fiction Award, First place.
plum / velvet / touchfifth wheel press
I am going to touch you now: wrench the will from the curdled bile by my liver, a dare sheltered between the wounds working to keep this body alive / barely noticed by these eyes pulled elsewhere in a city set to burn /
The Girl Plays Lizzy McAlpineQueerlings Magazine
"She’ll leave the bed on shepherd's warning mornings to tell them she’s good and gets paid monthly. To say yeah, sorry, yeah. To breathe into a towel until it’s damp and climb back into bed and tuck her knees behind yours, cold bones clicking."
august, and we want to be youngtrasna
dashing from taxi to bathroom with a quick-change skirt;
frames off the walls, tipped and nudged;
a parasol’d table with a cig carton; bodies in laps;
red acrylics to sink into scalp;
we sweat out the end of summer.
bang!tiny spoon mag
"spare me of what's XXplain
memory's contact tracingThe Outpost Éire
"You were here last for Absolut on Valentine’s Day. You felt normal when that wasn’t a surprise. Mid-spring dark and the rain was misty, playing its tricks. The news was the news. Just teleprompters, paper and ink."
Exclusively Peachysuperfroot
"We switched channels when the European forecast erred toward the Atlantic. We ate brioche and complimented the wooden window shutters on main street. We pretended we were not who we were until we forgot."
WindowCaveat Lector
"Inside is
XXXXXXX a bedroom ceiling of stick-on constellations
XXXXXXX or a drying rack burdened by the heft of wool and denim
XXXXXXX or a splatter of TV lightning on the back wall."
ShillelaghThe New Word Order
"Rectification: make them more than they’ve been.
Birth sweeter fruit from the tomato tree—
you are more than one, than name, than gravestone—
and take the new-age tang. Spit the seeds."